Varithena® Procedure in San Diego

Varithena® is a breakthrough in varicose vein treatment, available at iThriveVeins in San Diego. It is a minimally invasive outpatient vein treatment designed to alleviate the discomfort of varicose veins while enhancing the appearance of your legs.

158 Five Star Reviews
varithena clinic san diego
what is varithena

What is Varithena® Procedure?

Varithena® is a cutting-edge varicose vein treatment available at iThriveVeins in San Diego. This minimally invasive outpatient procedure utilizes microfoam technology to effectively treat varicose veins close to the skin's surface. By filling and treating the affected vein segment, Varithena® causes it to collapse, preventing blood reflux. The procedure takes just 20 to 30 minutes, offering both quick relief from discomfort and improved leg aesthetic

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If you are suffering with strange and unusual symptoms such as burning, itchy, or heavy legs, we might be able to help you.

How does the Varithena® Procedure work in treating varicose veins?

The Varithena® procedure utilizes innovative techniques to address varicose veins effectively. Here's how it works:

Microfoam injection: During the procedure, your vein specialist injects Varithena® directly into the varicose vein or through a small catheter. The number of injections depends on the extent of your condition.

Vein closure and collapse: Once injected, Varithena® microfoam fills and treats the affected vein segment, causing it to collapse. This prevents blood from flowing backward down the leg (reflux).

Redirecting blood flow: After the vein collapses, blood is redirected to nearby healthy veins, improving overall circulation.

Small catheter: The procedure typically takes 20 to 30 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to return home the same day.

how varithena treatment works

Benefits of Varithena® Procedure

Choosing Varithena® offers several advantages for individuals seeking relief from varicose veins:

Minimally Invasive

Varithena® minimizes discomfort and offers a swift recovery with small injections.

Enhanced Appearance

Improve the aesthetics of your legs by reducing visible varicose veins.

Quick Recovery

You can swiftly return to your regular activities after the procedure.

Long-lasting Results

You can swiftly return to your regular activities after the procedure.

Successful before & afters

See the amazing transformations of our patients' veins!

varithena clinic

Why you should choose our vein clinic for Varithena® Procedure?

At iThriveVeins, we pride ourselves on delivering the utmost quality in vein care.

Experienced Team: Seasoned professionals committed to precision and optimal results.

Modern Facilities: Equipped with cutting-edge technology for the best care.

Patient-Centered: Your comfort and satisfaction are our priorities.

Proven Success: A track record of happy patients and outstanding results.

Meet with our Varithena® doctor

We pride ourselves on merging years of hard-earned experience with the latest advancements in vein care. Every patient benefits from our deep-rooted knowledge and the innovative Varithena® technology.

158 Five Star Reviews
varithena doctor
iThriveVeins vein clinic

Book your free vein screening today.

Our medical professionals will speak with you over the phone to gather information about your symptoms.

158 Five Star Reviews
Free Vein Screening

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Hear directly from our satisfied patients about their experiences with iThriveVeins.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions at our San Diego varicose vein treatment center

How much does the Varithena procedure cost in San Diego?

The cost of the Varithena® procedure can vary based on individual factors, including the extent of treatment needed. We recommend scheduling a consultation with our specialists for a personalized estimate tailored to your unique needs.

Does insurance cover Varithena®?

Many insurance providers do cover Varithena® when it is considered medically necessary for treating symptomatic venous insufficiency. Our administrative team is experienced in assisting with insurance inquiries to determine your specific coverage.

Does Varithena® really work to treat varicose veins?

Yes, Varithena® is clinically proven to effectively treat varicose veins. It utilizes innovative microfoam technology to collapse and seal the affected veins, providing relief from symptoms and enhancing the appearance of your legs.

How long does it take to heal from Varithena?

Recovery time is typically swift with Varithena®. Most patients can return to their regular activities shortly after the procedure. You may experience mild tenderness or bruising, which usually resolves within a few days.

How painful is Varithena®?

Varithena® is designed as a minimally invasive procedure, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients. Local anesthesia is employed to enhance comfort during treatment.

What are the side effects of the Varithena ®procedure?

While Varithena® is considered safe and minimally invasive, like any medical procedure, it may have some side effects. Common side effects include mild bruising, tenderness, or swelling at the treatment site. Serious side effects are rare but can be discussed with our specialists during your consultation.

See what patients are saying

158 Five Star Reviews
"iTriveVeins with Dr.Damani is definitely the place to go for vascular disease in the legs"
(read review)

Eve M.


"Now I'm pain-free, and after the Groupon credits for sclerotherapy, the spider veins are also gone." (read review)

Cheryl R.


"I had an excellent experience at iThriveVeins San Diego, and I highly recommend this clinic for anyone seeking vein treatment"
(read review)

Justyna P.


"Great Staff. Love the office environment. Happy with the Treatment" (read review)

Levon Z.


"Everyone was very professional and friendly" (read review)

Richard J.


"iThrive veins has been a life changer I was having problems with veinous insufficiency for about a year and a half now." (read review)

Blaise B.


"The staff is very knowledgeable and friendly which made me comfortable during the entire visit." (read review)

Michelle H.


"Dr. Damani and his entire staff are wonderful.  The professionalism and care that I received at iThrive is top notch" (read review)

Jeremy R.


Contact Us.

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La Jolla/UTC

+1 (858) 800-2480
9850 Genesee Ave. Suite 650 La Jolla CA 92037

National City

+1 (858) 800-2480
655 Euclid Avenue Suite 401 National City CA. 91950
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